If you would like to register as a bone marrow donor, please CLICK HERE to register online. After registratin, you will receive a swab kit in mail after a few days. Just swab your cheek and mail back the kit. No need to send your blood sample or skin sample.

Click to know more about Lillian
Our daughter Lillian was 6-year old when she was diagnosed with the rare children's Leukemia, AML, in 2020. She had bone marrow transplant in 2021. Minorities are more difficult to find matching donors. Only 40% of Asian Americans and 25% of African Americans can find matching donors.

Click to know more about Jerry
Our son Jerry was 3-year old when he was diagnosed with the rare children's Leukemia, AML, in 2012. Jerry has had two bone marrow transplants in 2012 and 2013. Currently, he has suffered from many GVHD after-transplant diseases like kidney failure, retina detachments, immune system compromise, and heart issues.
Message from the parents
Our two kids, Lillian and Jerry, were both diagnosed with AML Leukemia. Jerry was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) at three and already went through two bone marrow transplants. While Jerry was going through cancer treatment, Lillian was born and grew up to be a vibrant and sweet girl. She brought us so much joy and hope! Yet the same cancer diagnosis shattered our hope. It turns out that both kids have a genetic predisposition to AML. Therefore, the best chance for a cure is to have a bone marrow transplant.
In general, every patient’s best possibilities of finding a match are within their own ethnical group. Since minorities are underrepresented in the bone marrow registry, the chance for a patient to find a match is also much lower. 77% of white people can find a perfect match in the registry, whereas only 40% of Asians and 25% of African-Americans will. To save Lillian and possibly another person’s life, please register to be a potential bone marrow donor. You can be a marrow donor by simply swabbing your cheek! And 80% of actual bone marrow donations are in the form of blood transfusion with no surgery needed at all! It's simple to register, and safe to donate!
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You can save a cancer kid!
Registration is easy and safe: simply swab your cheek to get registered in the national marrow registry. 1 in 430 will be actually matched with some patient and go ahead to donate. The actual donation procedure is safe: in 80% cases no surgery is needed and bone marrow donation is actually through blood stem cell donation. Donating marrow stem cells is very much like blood donation. To know more, please CLICK HERE to know more about donor Q&A
Besides registering as a donor, you can also help us by registering as an advocate in national marrow registry or other charity groups. Please CLICK HERE to know how.
COVID-19 has caused extra difficult for finding donors for patients. If you would like to help host donor drives, please CLICK HERE to see how you can safely help host donor drives, onsite or online, on campus or in communities.