Our new book "fear over faith" is now on amazon kindle
Donor drive advocacy and our story
Read our story on the website of LLS (Leukemia and Lymphoma society). Thanks to LLS for helping matching donors and raising funds and advocating house bills for all the cancer kids.
Many thanks to AADP (Asian American Donor Program) associated with Be-the-match for helping host donor drives to encourage more minority candidates to register as bone marrow donors. Read our story on the website of AADP.
Thanks to A3M associated with Be-the-match for helping host donor drives to encourage more minority candidates to register as bone marrow donors. Read our story on the website of A3M.
Thanks to ABC 13 for broadcasting our story and encourage more Americans to register as marrow donors. You can read our story on ABC 13 news here.
Thanks to DKMS for advocating donor drives world-wide for all the cancer kids who need bone marrow transplants. Read our story on DKMS website.
Thanks to Joey's Wings hosting donor drives to help all those Asian Americans diagnosed with blood cancer. Read the story on their website.
Thanks to the FBCC church for all the support and help. Please click the following image to view the video:
60 new donors in Houston and Katy donor drives
Please click the following image to view the video:
2021-06-04 LLS 2021 Man Woman Of the Year
Click the following photos to view full-size.
10 Myths and Facts About Bone Marrow Donation
Please click to read our blog "10 Myths and Facts About Bone Marrow Donation" on medium.
10 Myths and Facts About Bone Marrow Donation
We are on the ABC Good Morning America TV May 17
Please click the following image to watch the video.
Updates on May 21:
Just heard from NMDP that, one week after the Good Morning America interview, "more than 500 ethnically diverse people have joined the registry this week on behalf of the #Roar4Ray campaign and the majority of those individuals are Asian AmericansRead for more details in my Twitter here.
Donor Recipient Interview
You can click the following image to watch the video
Donor drive at WHCC and KCCC on Sun, Jun 13
Thanks to West Houston Chinese Church & Katy Christian Community Church for co-hosting donor drives with be-the-match on Sun, Jun 13, 2021 from 1-4PM.
You can click the following image to view our video clip:
Please watch our YouTube clip to know more about being a bone marrow donr.
Thank you for attending or advocating our donor drive @ West Houston Chinese Church, 10638 Hammerly Blvd, Houston, TX 77043.
For those who will join the donor drive, please click here for English to the detailed instructions on how to register as a bone marrow donor.
Childhood Cancer Action Day, Apr 27, 2021
We greatly appreciate the Senators and House representatives, especially those in the Congressional Childhood Cancer Caucus to pass and support the STAR Act (CHILDHOOD CANCER SURVIVORSHIP, TREATMENT, ACCESS AND RESEARCH).
Donor Drive in Woodlands on Apr 9, 2021
House Bill 780

March Donor Drive in Cupertino and Irvine
Donor Drive in Irvine, Mar 20
ABC news on 03-17-2021 10PM
Please click to watch the following youtube clip of the interview with ABC news.
The ABC news can be viewed by clicking to visit their website here
03-13-2021 Donor Drive in Cupertino
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02-27-2021 Success! Houston Donor Drive
We organized a donor drive in the Fort Bend Community Church on Saturday, Feb 27. Great thanks to be-the-match who organized and hosted this event. Greatly appreciate the Fort Bend Community Church for providing the places and volunteers and helping co-host the event. Most importantly, for all the people who came to register or helped spread the news in the social media. There were 120 people who came to register as a marrow donor! And at least one of them matched a patient and donated in 2022.
Many thanks to the Fort Bend Community Church (FBCC) for organizing the drive-through donor drive. Here are the details of the donor drive:
Simply Swab Inside Cheek and Drive Through. That's it!
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What to do:
1. Drive to the entrance, text Lillian to 61474.
2. Fill the registration form onsite, and receive the swab kit.
3. Swab inside your cheek, and return to the staff onsite. Drive to exit. Done!
Below are our social media links:
Click to watch the FBCC Donor Drive on YouTube
Like FBCC Donor Drive on FaceBook!
Or, you can also watch the live post on Instagram
KTSF Interview, Feb 11, 2021
Please click to watch the following interview with KTSF TV on Feb 11, 2021.
Original KTSF 26 link is here.
Please follow and share Donor4Lillian on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr or YouTube.
The new video is Lillian's SCHOOL joke made in the Texas Children's Hospital.