Where: Fort Bend Community Church (7707 Hwy 6, Missouri City - TX 77459)
Easy to register and save
2. 20-seconds swab: after registration, you will receive a swab kit from our onsite volunteers. Swab your cheeks. It only takes 20 seconds and helps us determine your HLA type.
3. Return the kit to our volunteer: Joining the registry doesn’t guarantee you’ll be matched. It can take months or years, but one day, you could be someone’s cure—their HLA match.
Volunteer Training
We are looking for 8-10 volunteers to help on the donor drive day.
Please visit be-the-match training website.
Watch our donor drive as shown in the Good Morning America.
May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. ABC News Good Morning America, Robin Roberts, has aired our interview with the donor to encourage more Minorities to join the bone marrow registry in the Asian Pacific American Heritage Month in 2021. You can view the interview on our YouTube channel.
Click to see our previous donor drive.
We organized a donor drive in the Fort Bend Community Church on Saturday, Feb 27, 2021. Great thanks to be-the-match and the Fort Bend Community Church for providing the places and volunteers and helping co-host the event. Most importantly, for all the people who came to register. There were 120 people who came to register as marrow donors! And at least two of them matched a patient and donated.